Course Description


Whether you are single, dating or in a committed relationship, you are here because you have a deeper knowing. A knowing that your lovemaking ability holds the key to something far more transformative and beautiful than a fleeting moment of physical release.

When you discover what it takes to be the best lover you can possibly be, you will be doing an extraordinary service to you, the women in your life and maybe even the world. Your unique efforts to take things to the next level will unleash far more fulfilment, mutual nurturing and orgasmic ecstasy you will have experienced. Ever.

It doesn't matter what kind of intimacy or sex life you have right now. Investing time and energy into your sexual journey will inject more connection, more joy and positive energy into your being. And it will only get better and better.

In a society obsessed with suppressing rather than celebrating sex, now is your time to reverse the tide. Start by discovering the stuff you're made of. Cast your hesitations aside and stride boldly forward to deepen your intimate connections between the sheets.

  • Are you ready to unlock your full potential in the bedroom?
  • Do you want women to talk about you as the hottest lover in the world?
  • Are you ready for a complete sex life makeover?


The LEGEND methodology will take you through 6 steps of in-depth learning and practical techniques in order to help you become the best lover you can possibly be. This system is only for committed men who are ready to take their lovemaking to the next level of intense connection, deep intimacy, ecstatic pleasure and greater mutual satisfaction. This is the best investment you will ever make in your lovemaking skills.

Based on the principles of Tantra, Taoism, mindfulness and somatic sexology, this program is guaranteed to create more fulfilment, mutual nurturing and orgasmic ecstasy in your sex life. 

Whether you are single, dating or in a committed relationship, this program will deeply transform you and give you tools for higher satisfaction in the bedroom.

The LEGEND program consists of 6 steps:

1/ Learn your erotic profile

  • We’ll start by delving into your erotic profile and we’ll explore your fantasies, desires, attractions and sources of arousal.
  • I will help you understand what turns you on and why, how your erotic mind works and how you can use that for more excitement, desire and pleasure in your sex life.
  • We’ll look at your erotic history and see where your mind might be limiting your sexual experience through subconscious beliefs or unhealed tension.
  • We’ll explore a mindful approach to sexuality and I’ll give you tools to start expanding your experience of sex and pleasure.

2/ Engage your body and breath

  • We’ll discuss what embodiment means and I’ll give you practices to deepen your connection with your own body and your physical experience of touch and pleasure.
  • We’ll discuss the role of breath in feeling and opening up the body to more receptivity and orgasmic bliss.
  • I’ll take you through different breathing techniques and you’ll explore a variety of ways of using your breath as an inner lover.
  • I’ll show you how to explore your body the way you have never experienced it before in order to find even more pleasure and sensation.

3/ Get off mindfully

  • We’ll explore your masturbation habits and uncover any hidden shame and guilt in your relationship with your sexuality.
  • I’ll show you how you can reclaim your full erotic capacity.
  • I’ll coach you in your self-pleasuring practice and I’ll give you a vast variety of ideas to explore.
  • I’ll guide you into a new, undiscovered territory of pleasure and ecstasy.
  • I’ll teach you over 50 new ways to touch your genitals.
  • We’ll look at your relationship to porn and the role it plays in your arousal.

4/ Enjoy receiving

  • I’ll teach you about different types of touch and how to use them for more balance and nurturing in a partner-sex.
  • We’ll explore anal pleasure and all its necessary rules.
  • I’ll guide you through a deeply embodied practice of receiving pleasure.
  • We’ll practice active receiving and you’ll learn how to ask for what you want without shame, for a fully embodied sexual expression.
  • You’ll learn to use breath and movement for more pleasure.

5/ Nurture your partner

  • You’ll learn about what women really want in a lover.
  • I’ll show you how you can get her to initiate sex with you, instead of you always chasing it.
  • I’ll coach you in being a master teaser and in enticing her desire.
  • We’ll practice a deeply erotic breast massage and we’ll explore in detail her genital anatomy.
  • I'll show you over 50 different ways to pleasure her genitals for a deeply erotic experience.
  • You’ll learn to touch your partner in a way that she’ll be begging for more.

6/ Discover your full orgasmic potential

  • We’ll look into ways of taking sexual energy out of the bedroom and living an ecstatic life.
  • We’ll discuss what an erotic trance is and how it works.
  • We’ll talk about maintaining a high level of sexual desire in a long-term relationship and keeping the spark between the two of you alive for many, many years.
  • We’ll explore making love to nature and delving much deeper into what’s possible in sex.
  • You’ll learn about having full body orgasms and being a multi-orgasmic man.

What my clients say:

“Hi Helena, I love the way you are prepared to put yourself out there, and be prepared to embrace your vulnerability to enable yours and others' learning to occur. I also want to acknowledge your deep commitment, passion and skill that you bring – you are a special woman. I have recommended you to several people!” - Lex

“You have changed my outlook on life and I am more at ease within myself and stress levels are now very low. I cannot thank you enough, you are a special person and I will come back for a refresher lesson in the future. My ambition is to transfer what you have taught me into amazing experience for myself and my partner. Thank you again.” - Gerry

“It was inspiring to see how in tune with yourself you are! It certainly has motivated me to fully explore the tantric path and made me excited by the prospect of how much more there is to experience in myself but also how mind-blowing it would be to be with a tantric woman in the future!” - Sean

 “I seriously discovered more about myself, women and sexuality in three sessions than I have learnt in 30 years. It was an amazing awakening and I am a true convert to Tantric intimacy. Everyone should do one of these sessions as I am sure there would be more respect for one another. I hope to keep in touch and good luck for the future.” - Simon

100% Money Back Guarantee

Legendary Lover has a 14-day, super easy money back guarantee. 

Take your time and experience the program for yourself. Make sure to watch the videos AND perform the homework practices. And if you aren't completely blown-away with what you learn, we will refund you every cent.*

We want you to feel comfortable and totally confident about this program because we know that when you listen to it and start using it, you'll be more than ecstatic!

* Refunds are subject to Terms & Conditions.

Sex Therapist & Tantra Practitioner

Helena Nista

Helena Nista is one of Australia's leading Sex Therapists & Tantra Practitioners. She is a mentor, author, speaker and lover. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She is a certified sexologist and Tantric teacher. She is passionate about helping her clients become the best lovers they can possibly be, overcome any sexual difficulties and create great sex lives. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her mission in life is to spark a sexual revolution that will break through the shackles of conditioning and limiting beliefs to empower people to experience sex as natural, healthy and utterly beautiful. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week 1: Step 1 - Learn Your Erotic Profile

  • 2

    Week 2: Step 1 - Learn Your Erotic Profile

    • Highly erotic experiences

    • Memorability factors

    • Your erotic theme

    • Why men are disempowered

    • What does mind-blowing sex look like?

    • Homework

  • 3

    Week 3: Step 2 - Engage Your Body and Breath

    • Cultivating a deep embodiment

    • Using body scans for more pleasure

    • Using senses during sex

    • Your source point

    • Osho on hara

    • Homework

  • 4

    Week 4: Step 2 - Engage Your Body and Breath

    • Breath is your inner lover

    • Breathing Techniques 1

    • Breathing techniques 2 & 3

    • Breathing techniques 4 & 5

    • Breathing techniques 6 & 7

    • Breathing techniques 8 & 9

    • Full-body orgasm presentation

    • Breathing technique 10

    • Partners exchanging breath

    • List of breathing techniques

    • Use breath consciously

    • Attention!

    • Homework

  • 5

    Week 5: Step 2 - Engage Your Body and Breath

    • Creating a body map

    • Pleasure map

    • Genital mapping practice

    • Male genital anatomy

    • Female genital anatomy

    • Homework

  • 6

    Week 6: Step 3 - Get Off Mindfully

    • Your history of self-pleasure

    • Sex negative culture

    • New way to use self-touch

    • Create an embodied meditation

    • Homework

  • 7

    Week 7: Step 3 - Get Off Mindfully

    • Masturbation structure

    • Masturbation structure - steps

    • Other options

    • Sexual affirmations

    • Genital strokes

    • List of genital strokes 1

    • List of genital strokes 2

    • List of genital strokes 3

    • List of genital strokes 4

    • List of genital strokes 5

    • List of genital strokes 6

    • Homework

  • 8

    Week 8: Step 3 - Get Off Mindfully

    • Keys to mindful masturbation 1

    • Keys to mindful masturbation 2

    • Mindful masturbation - list

    • Back door to heaven

    • Watching porn

    • Scenarios to play with

    • Masturbation scenarios 1

    • Masturbation scenarios 2

    • Masturbation scenarios 3

    • Masturbation scenarios 4

    • Homework

  • 9

    Week 9: Step 4 - Enjoy Receiving

    • Why you need to get better at receiving

    • Wheel of consent

    • Wheel of Consent - diagram

    • Rules of anal sex

    • List of anal rules 1

    • List of anal rules 2

    • Art of receiving well

    • Homework

  • 10

    Week 10: Step 5 - Nurture Your Partner

    • Her 3 top desires

    • Purpose, power and confidence

    • Switching the sexual dynamic

    • Her erectile network

    • Sacred vulva

    • Homework

  • 11

    Week 11: Step 5 - Nurture Your Partner

    • Erotic massage guidelines

    • Tantric breast massage

    • Breast strokes 1

    • Breast strokes 2

    • Breast strokes 3

    • Tantric genital massage

    • Yoni strokes 1

    • Yoni strokes 2

    • Yoni strokes 3

    • Yoni strokes 4

    • Yoni strokes 5

    • Anal play for women

    • Homework

  • 12

    Week 12: Step 6 - Discover Your Full Orgasmic Potential

    • Erotic trance

    • Orgasm vs orgasmic state

    • Erotic energy

    • Ecoeroticism

    • Eco-sex and sun-gasm 1

    • Eco-sex and sun-gasm 2

    • Homework

  • 13

    Week 13: Step 6 - Discover Your Full Orgasmic Potential

    • How to have dry orgasms

    • Full body orgasms

    • Being a multi-orgasmic man

    • Full-body orgasm techniques

    • Revving up sex drive in a relationship

    • Maintaining passion in a long-term relationship

    • Rituals for maintaining passion

    • What's next?


5 star rating

What an amazing program!!!

Dave McDermott

I have experienced a number of sexual mastery courses over the last few years. Helena's Legendary Lover course is by far the most powerful of these that I've...

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I have experienced a number of sexual mastery courses over the last few years. Helena's Legendary Lover course is by far the most powerful of these that I've engaged with. Her knowledge of the subject is deep, and she delivers it with passion and elegance. It's full of practical exercises which have led to a more amazing sex life than I could have imagined possible. This is the best investment I have ever made. Do yourself a favour and sign up now.

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