How to Pleasure Him Is For You If:


  • You Want To Understand Your Partner Better In The Bedroom

You want to understand his body and how to pleasure him better. You want to know exactly what he desires in bed and how to give it to him.

  • You Feel Frustrated That Sex Feels Flat or Disappointing

You know just how amazing it feels to have great sex on a regular basis but you feel disappointed when it feels repetitive or boring. 

  • You're Ready To Become An Exquisite Lover

You're ready to learn new ways to reignite the fun, pleasure and passion in your sex life with him. You're keen to embrace your inner erotic goddess.

In This Exclusive, 5-Part Video Training, You’ll Learn How To:


  • Become Confident as a Woman & as His LOVER

    When you know exactly how to touch, pleasure and satisfy him, there’s no need to doubt yourself in the bedroom.

  • Touch A Man In All The Right Ways

    So he reaches heights of erotic pleasure (instead of fumbling around or wondering what to do).

  • Bonus materialCreate Sexual Experiences that Are Full of Passion

    Learn what exactly makes sex feel hot, fun & exciting, so that you leave him mind-blown every time.

  • Have Him Completely Hooked on You

    A woman who knows how to touch & caress her man masterfully is a woman whose man never strays.

  • Give Him Toe-Curling Orgasms Easily

    Learn how to stimulate all his erogenous zones in a variety of delicious ways that will leave him moaning in bliss.

  • Transform & Upgrade Your Sex Life

    With your new skills & techniques you both will experience a lot more ecstatic pleasure & blissful passion together.


Because What Matters Is…

You want sex to feel magical. You want to share powerful sexual experiences with your lover that will leave you feeling connected, fulfilled, and deeply satisfied. This program gives you everything you need to get you there (and more).

Hi, I'm Helena!

Sex Therapist & Tantra Practitioner

Helena Nista

Helena Nista is one of Australia's leading Sex Therapists & Tantra Practitioners. She is a mentor, author, speaker and lover. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She is a certified sexologist and Tantric teacher. She is passionate about helping her clients become the best lovers they can possibly be, overcome any sexual difficulties and create great sex lives. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her mission in life is to spark a sexual revolution that will break through the shackles of conditioning and limiting beliefs to empower people to experience sex as natural, healthy and utterly beautiful. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Part 1: Foundations of Being Fantastic in Bed

  • 2

    Part 2: Understanding Him & His Needs

    • Common male worries & insecurities

    • Truth about his penis

    • Does size matter?

    • Why pelvic tension matters

    • His erotic anatomy

    • Male genital anatomy

    • What if his libido is low?

    • What you need to know about ED

    • What sex means to men

    • Men are different

    • Homework

  • 3

    Part 3: Making Sex Great

    • What men desire in bed

    • Common male desires & fantasies

    • So, what is great sex?

    • Inviting his heart to sex

    • A word on faking it

    • Homework

  • 4

    Part 4: Magical Foreplay That He'll Love

    • Introduction to foreplay

    • How to blow his mind with a kiss

    • Sensational nipple play

    • Truth about erections

    • How to dominate him in bed

    • How to rub him well

    • Penis and lubrication

    • Homework

  • 5

    Part 5: Practical Techniques

    • How to touch his penis

    • Penis strokes

    • How to pleasure his balls

    • Scrotum strokes

    • Let's talk about sex!

    • Sex talk ideas

    • Principles of a fantastic fellatio

    • Oral sex techniques

    • List of techniques

    • The most exquisite vulva massage for him

    • Back door to heaven

    • What you need to know about his prostate

    • The prostate stimulation

    • Sexual positions to play with

    • Main categories of sexual positions

    • Note on safe sex

    • Congratulations!

    • What's next?

  • 6

    Part 6: Bonus Masterclass

    • Help him last longer!

    • Amazing anal

    • How about getting kinky?

    • Toys for adults